Do Not Call
JoinedTopics Started by Do Not Call
Anyone here involved in the building of the U.K. Bristol Assembly Hall
by truthseeker inthe assembly hall in bristol was completed around 1995. i have a brochure which i could upload if there is enough interest.. were any of you involved with the construction?
any stories?.
My wife became a US citizen yesterday!!!
by Dorktacular inyay!
for all of you who say america sucks.... i want you to go down to your closest immigration office and witness a citizenship ceremony.
i watched yesterday all day long as people from all over the world were sworn in as citizens 100 at a time every hour on the hour.
Practising 'Goodness' - from the District Convention
by passwordprotected inas heard at the district convention.
9 part symposium on how to display the fruitages of the spirit.
Aug 2008 KM
by ernie indon't know if already posted , but august 2008 kingdom ministry gives details on 2008/9 assemblies.
it also confirms that the cos will be in place for at least the next service year as it refers to them taking assembly parts on both the spec day & the assembly.. special day theme is "keep watching the ministry - that you fulfill it" (col 4:17) lots of fs related parts - symposiums on how young & old find fulfillment in the ministry etc , interviews with youths , kids & old folks.. ca theme is "keep conquering the evil with good.
" includes a symposium on "stand firm against the devil's crafty acts" - "help us identify & reject sly machinations of the devil in the fields of technology , entertainment & eduction.".
Really Good News: JWs lost a defamation action against French Deputy
by AndersonsInfo inparis july 11 (agence france presse).
the jehovah1s witnesses lost a defamation action friday .
which they brought against deputy jean-pierre brard, vice president of the.
Hi again, I'm back online!!
by Do Not Call inhello everyone, i haven't been on the site for ages.
hubby bought a new pc, and it's taken forever to transfer everything etc.
also, he's been writing loads of software so i haven't had any time to log in.
2008 Young People Ask Vol 2 (YPA V2) PDF, searchable, bookmarked
by TJ - iAmCleared2Land ini've got the book, starting the scan now!!
will have it online in a bit.
i have a manual (not sheetfed) scanner, so it's a manual process.
Even active witnesses think this is way over the top.....
by yourmomma inthere were gasps after watching this.
i heard the anti college talks at the dc this year, and while many people i know didnt agree with them, this following video stunned many of them.
there are many people on this forum, many have gotten to where they are many different ways.
For those who don't believe in evolution...
by serotonin_wraith in...would you please explain all these bones of human ancestors which have been found, which anyone can go to see in museums?.
by BlackSwan of Memphis inok well haven't seen crumpet round here and i just checked facebook.. apparently our friend is not feeling too swell.. has anyone heard from her?